lizards on a log

People with limited living quarters may find that reptiles such as lizards or turtles fit perfectly into their lifestyles. Before deciding on a reptile, learn as much as possible about them and their needs. Poisonous snakes and certain reptiles should never be kept as pets. Ask your veterinarian about the suitability of a particular animal before you make your decision. There are many things to consider before committing to a reptile as a pet. 

Finding out if a Pet is Legal Where You Live
Many areas have enacted laws pertaining to keeping reptiles. Some are general and some are quite specific; in many places any reptiles that are considered dangerous (venomous snakes, alligators, etc.) are illegal but some places are even more restrictive (for example, in some states all constricting snakes including ball pythons are illegal).

Salmonella Risks and Prevention
All reptile owners need to be informed about Salmonella infections. While the risks shouldn't keep most people from keeping reptiles since with the proper management the risks are minimal. Still, owners should be aware of the risks, and the US Centers for Disease Control recommends that certain risk groups should be careful about contact with reptiles and amphibians.

The Importance of Light and Heat
Many problems with keeping reptiles can be traced back to not providing the proper environmental conditions, particularly heat. Proper lighting is also important for many reptiles. The equipment to provide the proper heat and light to captive reptiles is often quite expensive, but is absolutely essential to keeping pet reptiles healthy. It is important to find out exactly what conditions your reptile needs and never cut corners when it comes to meeting those conditions!

Why Choose Captive Bred Reptiles
There are numerous reasons why you should pick a captive bred reptile if at all possible, as explained here.

How to Pick a Healthy Reptile
It is important to keep in mind that depending on where you get a reptile, it may be very stressed, dehydrated, and prone to illness. Here are some items to look for when buying your reptile to increase the chances of picking out a healthy pet reptile.

While there are many types of reptiles that could be good pets, here we cover a few you could consider.

  • Overweight Pets

    According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), 43% of all dogs and 53% of all cats are classified as overweight. What's worse is that an additional 10% of all dogs and 19% of all cats are considered obese! Therefore, more than half of our dogs and cats are overweight or obese. So, should

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  • Pain Management in Pets

    Arthritis and chronic pain are not purely human conditions. Dogs and cats feel pain too and arthritis causes long term pain that can affect your their behavior and activity level. Modern veterinary diagnostics and therapies can offer some hope. Pain has many causes. When it happens to your pet friends,

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  • People Food for Pets

    On a low carb diet? Planning on sharing some of those low calorie dessert treats with your canine friends? STOP! That sugar-free snack you think is good for you and your dog could actually send you to the veterinarian The sugar substitute, Xylitol, has been a great development in the fight against

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  • Pet Care During Tough Times

    Studies have repeatedly shown that a large majority of pet owners consider their pets as a family member. We spoil them with birthday parties, presents, and all manner of toys and treats to keep them happy. But, when money is tight, extra expenses need to go. Sadly, some pet owners choose to avoid veterinary

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  • Pet Food Allergies? The Rules for a Pet Food Trial Have Changed

    Food allergies are common in dogs and cats. It usually manifests as itchy skin, chronic vomiting, or diarrhea. If you suspect that your pet may have a food allergy, you will need to investigate by performing a food trial. There are no intradermal skin tests or blood tests that are valid for determining

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  • Pet Food Safety Measures to Avoid Health Complications

    Foods with inadequate nutrition, stored improperly or not handled safely can present problems for you and your pet. Making the right choices for the right pet will give your pet the best chance at optimum wellness. You'll have peace of mind and know your pet will receive the best health value possible.

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  • Pet Health Insurance

    Worried about paying for veterinary care? Pet health insurance can help cover your costs.

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  • Pet Insurance Explained

    As the amount of money spent on pet healthcare increases steadily at an estimated rate of 40% a year, and as pets become more like family, owners are looking to spend more on their pet's health. Pet owners also want to have their pets covered by insurance. Some basic plans start at $10 a month, while

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  • Pet Internet Sources

    We live in an age of almost instantaneous information. 24-hour news stations, talk radio, and the Internet have revolutionized the way we think and educate ourselves. It is easier than ever to research a topic and make decisions about almost any subject, even the medical care of our families and our

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  • Pet Microchips

    Essentially, microchips are computer chips about the size of a grain of rice. Easily implanted under your pet's skin by a hypodermic needle, microchips provide permanent identification that won't wear out, fade, or get lost if the pet runs away. Special scanners find the microchip and can translate into

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  • Pet Ownership and Your Health

    Your pets provide companionship, unconditional love and plenty of smiles, but they also make you healthier just by living with you. The health benefits of owning a pet are both physical and psychological, and they extend throughout an owner’s life. By keeping your furry companion healthy and happy,

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  • Pet Proofing Your Home

    Your home is a haven and a place of safety for you and for your pet. But, inside every house are poisons, dangers, and hazards that can injure your dog or cat. Here are some helpful tips to help keep your pet safe and out of the emergency room! According to consultants at PetProTech pet safety

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  • Pet Therapy

    Are you dealing with extreme levels of emotional stress, exhaustion or depression? If so, pet therapy might be right for you. Companionship is only one of the many benefits pet therapy provides. Keep reading to find out what pet therapy involves, which conditions it can help treat and why you might benefit

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  • Pet Travel Tips

    Are you planning to hit the road with your pets this summer? Whether you are planning a lengthy family road trip or a quick summer getaway, there are some important things you need to know before making the decision to travel with your pets. Use the following tips to guarantee a safe and stress-free

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  • Pet Vomit - You Just Received a Message!

    Animals may vomit when something irritates, inflames or causes an infection in their intestinal tract. The location of the irritation, inflammation or infection may also determine the color of your pet's vomit and the reason for the upchucking. Many things can irritate, inflame or infect an animal's

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  • Pet Weight Critical to Wellness of Cats and Dogs

    The Association of Pet Obesity Prevention advises that pets are suffering from epidemic obesity and it is preventable. Obese or overweight animals weigh in at nearly sixty-percent for cats and nearly fifty-percent for dogs. The number is constantly increasing and causing health conditions and physical

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